Sunday, May 4, 2014

First Weekend of May 2014

We've had a great start to May with lots of fun stuff! We attended the Children's Graduation at Mommy's school on Friday evening, went to Mrs. Karen's house to swim in the pool on Saturday and watched airplanes at the overlook on the way home, and we went to Rankin Lake today and rode pedal boat.

Dean Conison talking to all the "graduates"
Me and the Dean, even though I didn't graduate

Meredith, Emery, Brooke, Clair, Me, and Addison at Mrs. Karen's
The view of the city while we were watching airplanes

Lake Rankin from the petal boat
Me on the petal boat
Drawing I made for Mommy this evening before we played frisbee and volleyball/soccer in the yard
- The Doodlebug Princess