Sunday, May 27, 2012

May 21 - 27

I still have school but I've been playing a lot with the kids in the neighborhood in the evenings.  It's so much fun! This is me and the neighbor girl (I don't remember her name!) in the tent we built outside my front door!

Mommy and I went to Ms. Karen's house yesterday to swim in her pool.  I love her pool and want one just like it when I grow up!

Ms. Karen made us a great dinner with a really good salad with lettuce, cucumbers, and carrots for me. Mommy had grilled chicken!  But in the few times we've been to Ms. Karen's pool, I've learned to do a flip under the water. This isn't a very good video because I didn't do this one completely right, but I tried.  :) 

That's what we did this week.  Tomorrow, we are going to Chimney Rock with Mommy's friends Jackie and John. It's back to school on Tuesday, but I only hav two weeks of school left. Mommy is going to come to my Beach Day at school and then we have Kindergarten awards.  Such exciting stuff!

- Doodlebug Princess

Monday, May 21, 2012

Update - finally!

Lots of stuff have happened in the last 10 months and my Mommy got really busy and didn't get my blog updated. Hopefully she will be getting it updated soon. We've done a lot of a really cool stuff:  

September 2011 - I was just enjoying school and hanging out with my cousin all the time!

October 2011 - This was my birthday (then my cousin's). My Mommy took me on our first roadtrip during my birthday weekend to see her old friend John from high school in Knoxville, Tennessee. It was a lot of fun. Then it was my cousin's birthday and Halloween.

November 2011 - Ah, Thanksgiving. I love stealing the skin off the turkey! My mom makes a great turkey! I also got to see my Daddy for the first time in over a year. I was so happy. My Mommy found out she got into law school in Charlotte, North Carolina!

December 2011 - Another roadtrip to see John and look around Charlotte for a place to live. We also had a Christmas with friends and then I got to spend a week with both Mommy and Daddy.

January 2012 - WE MOVED!!!! What an adventure! We moved to Gastonia, NC for my Mommy to go to law school. I started a new school and I love it! (Mommy's still trying to find a picture of a our move in January...I know she has one somewhere of my first day of school here!)  

February 2012 - My school had a Kindergarten Ball for Valentine's Day. We danced and acted silly and our parents got to come and watch.

March 2012 - Mommy enrolled me in gymnastics at the Y. And I got to go home for a weekend to see Daddy, all my family, and my friends. Mommy and I also went to Chimney Rock near our house. It's really neat.

April 2012 - My Aunt Brenda and Aunt April came to visit with Savannah and Tyler. We went to Myrtle Beach, SC. The water was freezing, but I had a lot of fun. Then I got to go stay with my Daddy for a week while I was on Spring Break. Mommy came to get me and bring me back and it was lots of fun!

May 2012 - I lost my first tooth on Mother's Day. Mommy says it's the best gift ever! I've been swimming with Mommy at her friend Karen's house a few times. We've been watching a lot of movies and just hanging out. School is almost over, but I've still got a couple of weeks left here.

Plans for the Summer: I get to go see my family right after I get out of school in June. Then me and Mommy will be back in NC for the month of July while she takes some classes. I'm excited about hanging out with my friends at the Y while Mommy's in class. We're gonna swim a lot at Ms. Karen's. Then in August, I get to go back to Missouri for a couple of weeks to see my friends and family again. Then, I start FIRST grade at the end of the August and Mommy starts her second semester of law school. Looking forward to lots of fun times! Mommy says she's going to do better at updating my blog with pictures and stories of my life. So be on the look out for lots of posts soon!

The Doodlebug Princess