Sunday, May 27, 2012

May 21 - 27

I still have school but I've been playing a lot with the kids in the neighborhood in the evenings.  It's so much fun! This is me and the neighbor girl (I don't remember her name!) in the tent we built outside my front door!

Mommy and I went to Ms. Karen's house yesterday to swim in her pool.  I love her pool and want one just like it when I grow up!

Ms. Karen made us a great dinner with a really good salad with lettuce, cucumbers, and carrots for me. Mommy had grilled chicken!  But in the few times we've been to Ms. Karen's pool, I've learned to do a flip under the water. This isn't a very good video because I didn't do this one completely right, but I tried.  :) 

That's what we did this week.  Tomorrow, we are going to Chimney Rock with Mommy's friends Jackie and John. It's back to school on Tuesday, but I only hav two weeks of school left. Mommy is going to come to my Beach Day at school and then we have Kindergarten awards.  Such exciting stuff!

- Doodlebug Princess

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