Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Break 2012

We went to Missouri for Thanksgiving Break. We were gone for almost a week because we left on Monday and got back late on Sunday night. We stayed at Aunt April's on Monday night because Mommy couldn't drive anymore. Then we went to Cape for a night and I got to see Daddy, Bubby, Grandma, and meet my Great Grandma. Then we went on to Mansfield to see my cousin Savannah, Aunt Brenda, and Poppy. We had so much fun!
Me with Mommy, Grandma, and my great grandma
Grandma drying my hair after my trim

Long skinny fingers come from Daddy's side of the family cream kisses with Daddy!

Wall decorations my grandma cut and painted for me!
Me with the best Bubby ever!

Me and Daddy getting ready to head out to go fishing!
Yes, I at the whole turkey leg!

Mommy kisses!
Me and mommy posing for some pictures

Me and Savannah being rock stars!
Sharing lunch with Daddy

Goofy off in Walgreens with Daddy
Playing "Beat the Parents" with Daddy. Wonder who's gonna win?!?! ME!

Another picture with Mommy
Goofing off at Walmart with Savannah

Playing games on the recliner with my Bubby
- The Doodlebug Princess

November 4 - November 18, 2012

We hung out at home a lot. I changed to a new 1st grade teacher at my school. My class is really small. These are the random pictures Mommy took through the last couple of weeks.

Getting Brittany to take a picture with me
Our beautiful sunset
Playing games on Mom's phone while waiting for dinner at the YMCA Angel Tree Kickoff Thanksgiving Dinner
The 2012 YMCA Angel Tree
Me and Mrs. Amy from the YMCA Afterschool Program
Being goofy at Target, trying on stuff

Mommy says I'm the most beautiful when I'm sleeping
Salt dough ornaments I and mommy made and painted

- The Doodlebug Princess

Sunday, November 4, 2012

October 28 - November 3, 2012

HALLOWEEN was this week! Because it was much colder than we thought it was going to be, I made a last minute costume change and went as Scooby Doo. We went to Mommy's friend's neighborhood and I got to trick-or-treat with the neighbor kids. It was so much fun. I met them over the summer at Mrs. Karen's when we went swimming in her pool. Then Mrs. Karen's nieces came by.
Me in the middle with Mrs. Karen's nieces
My loot from Mrs. Karen's neighborhood

On Friday, Mommy and I went to see the movie Hotel Transylvania. It was so funny. I can't wait until it comes out on DVD because I really really want it! The rest of the weekend, we've just hung around at home. On Saturday, we made salt dough ornaments for Christmas and painted. Mommy says we'll get a Christmas tree from Aunt Rachel soon. I can't wait to decorate it with lights and ornaments. I love Christmas trees!
With the characters from Hotel Transylvania
All my winter clothes are getting too small...but I have lots of clothes from Savannah that still fit!

Me being silly as I try on clothes
Showing off my muscle and new tattoos

The ornaments we made. Mom's is the tree and I painted the snow man and bell. Still have lots more to paint!
November 17 is Wold Prematurity Day. Mommy submitted my story and this picture to their website.
I'm gonna help Mommy around the house today, then we are gonna head to the park this afternoon so I can ride my scooter.

- The Doodlebug Princess