Wednesday, February 4, 2015

January 26 - February 4, 2015

It's been a rough week. On Tuesday, January 27, we had to have my cat Shaggy put to sleep. He was so sick that we had to take him to the vet. I miss him so much. I stayed the night with Mrs. Karen on Friday so that I could spend some time with my, I mean her, dog Vegas. We had a lot of fun. Mommy and I bought me a jacket to wear with my dress for the wedding in March. Today, we had awards at school. Mommy couldn't be there but Sarah's mom took pictures for her. Mommy said getting the pictures from Jenny was the bright spot in her day because she was stuck at work. I got 3 awards: Honor Roll, AR, and the Patriot Award for good citizenship in my classroom. I get to go to the AR party this week and we're having a party at the Y for Mrs. Twila's last day on Friday. It will be a fun week!
Me and my boy Shaggy. I miss him so much. He was such a good cat. I love this picture of us!
Me sleeping with Vegas
My new jacket for the wedding
Me getting my AR award
Me getting my good citizen award

Me with one of my awards
- The Doodlebug Princess

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