Thursday, May 21, 2015

May 1 - May 20, 2015

We've had a very busy month. We started with Mommy winning tickets to the Queen's Cup Steeplechase. It was the first horse race that me and mommy have ever been too. It would have been more fun if it wasn't raining but it was still fun! We celebrated Mother's Day with Mrs. Karen and her daughter Barbie and Barbie's husband Mike. Other than that, Mommy and I have been hanging out at home doing fun stuff like throwing the football, running in the yard, and playing. Here are our random pictures from most of May.

Boxing gloves our neighbor Adam gave to me!
Mommy came to lunch with me at school!

My new shirt and shorts Mommy bought me!
The horses ready to race!

Practicing jumping "hurdles"
Flowers I picked for Mommy for Mother's Day

More of the horses
Me and my buddy Vegas

Me and Mommy
Mike, Me, and Barbie

My scary face for football!
A note and picture I gave to Mommy

My new hat for the horse races
Vegas was laying on me!

Me and Mommy out to dinner at one of my favorites Steak N Shake
We're going to have a "stay-cation" this weekend during Memorial Day. Mommy has lots planned for us to do here...we're going to do my end of the school year pictures, hang out at the pool, barbeque in the backyard, go play mini-golf, play games and put together puzzles. It will be awesome no matter what we do, as long as I'm with Mommy!

- The Doodlebug Princess

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