Sunday, August 30, 2015

July 2 - 6, 2015

This was our big vacation trip and Mommy and Aunt Brenda surprised us twice: (1) by having Aunt Jenny, Uncle Brandon, Madalyn, and Macy meet us for the trip and (2) our big trip was to the Florida Keys!! We had so many adventures on this trip!

Just got to Florida
At Long Key State Park in the FL Keys

At Key Largo
The bi-plane I rode with Uncle Brandon

Me & Uncle Brandon getting ready to go up in the bi-plane
Up in the air in the bi-plane!
Just hanging out at the end of US Highway 1
90 miles from Cuba!

Me and my cousins
Another one of me and my cousins

What me and my cousins call ourselves!
In Marathon

Macy and Me
On the Airboat in the Everglades

One of the alligators we saw on the airboat tour
The Alligator Wrestler! I wanna do that!

Holding the alligator!
At Biscayne National Park outside Miami

Planking on a picnic table at St. Augustine
Key Biscayne State Park, Miami, Florida
- The Doodlebug Princess

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