Tuesday, September 22, 2015

September 14 - 20, 2015

We had team pictures this week for football and we had our second football game. Sadly, we lost again (0-14). After the game, Mommy and I went camping with Jacob and his mom Nancy. We had so much fun! I even got to catch a couple of fish. So did Jacob. And it was still warm enough to play in the water at the lake.

My football team
Me with the other captains at the coin toss

Coach sending me in with the play to tell the quaterback
Roasting hot dogs at our campsite

Our tent (red) and Jacob's tent (green) all set up!
It was tiny but it was my first fish!

Baiting our hooks
Me and Jacob after swimming in the lake

Me and Jacob playing in the lake before we left to go home
Our next football game is Saturday. We've been busy with practice this week already.

- The Doodlebug Princess

September 7 - 13, 2015

On Saturday, Mrs. Karen had a Jewish New Years/End of Summer party at her house. I got to see Barbie and Michael and swim in the pool with the neighbors. It's was so much fun. We didn't have a football game this week, but the Carolina Panthers played their first game so our Panthers team got together to watch it. I got to hang out with my friends.

Me and Jacob playing football in the yard
Me & Michael at the party. I love him!
Michael and all of us in the pool with him!
Michael was carrying me around the pool
- The Doodlebug Princess

Monday, September 7, 2015

August 31 - September 6

Football!!! I LOVE PLAYING FOOTBALL! Even though we lost our first game this Saturday, and I was pretty upset because I fumbled the football as quarterback and the other team recovered it. We lost 0-6. I was one of the four team captains that went out for the coin toss. Then yesterday, we went to a birthday party at a waterpark for one of the boys on the team. He had a Panthers themed party. We have football practice tonight too.

-The Doodlebug Princess