Tuesday, March 8, 2016

February 25 - 27, 2016: Trip to Pennsylvania

Mommy and I took a trip to Pennsylvania to see some old friends from high school. We had a wonderful time and I didn't want to leave. Mommy and Billy took me to ReptileLand and Hershey's Chocolate World. I loved all the Reeses at the Chocolate World. We got to go on a trolley tour of the city, make our own chocolate bars, have a chocolate tasting.It was a lot of fun!

Me and Mommy at the Overlook with snow when we got to Williamsport
I'm riding "Ducky" at the Dinosaur Trek at ReptileLand

This baby crocodile tried to play with me!
I got to pet an alligator! I LOVE alligators!

At Hershey's Chocolate World
Making my own special chocolate bar!

All. Those. Reeses!!!!!!!!!!!
With the Reese's Guy and the Hershey Kiss

Me and Billy having fun with the selfie stick!
Mommy got in on the fun!

Me and Billy at the overlook! He bought me the hat I'm wearing!
Me, Mommy, and Billy

- The Doodlebug Princess

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