Sunday, May 15, 2016

May 1 - 7, 2016: School Program and Camping Trip for Mother's Day

We did a graduation program at school for the 5th graders and the 4th graders performed with them. It was a lot of fun! You can click on the video below of one of the songs we did!
Performing at the graduation program

Mom decided to take me to the beach to celebrate Mother's Day. We camped at Myrtle Beach State Park. Our campsite neighbors were from Portland, Oregon and they were really nice. We got to play in the water. Sunday morning, mom bought me a new short surfboard...but I didn't get to ride it because I was sick. We ended up going to the doctor at the beach. I had strep! I was so sick.

One week after shaving our heads!
Holding a jellyfish that doesn't sting! (I put it back in the water)
At the pier at Myrtle Beach State Park
My new surfboard!
Mom took this picture on our drive back. I was so sick!
- The Doodlebug Princess

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