Monday, June 6, 2016

May 31 - June 5, 2016

Mommy and our friend Nancy bought season passes to Carowinds since I had so much fun! We finally went on Sunday. You can click on the links at the bottom to see my YouTube videos of my fun times on the rides!

I got Mommy to ride The Fury with me. She said she'll never ride it again. We'll see about that!
Getting ready to ride the drop tower!

- The Doodlebug Princess

May 23 - 30, 2016: Memorial Day Weekend

The week was our usual week. But the weekend was awesome! Me and Mommy went with Nancy and Jacob to the Freedom Festival. Then Mommy surprised me that Aunt April, Uncle James, and Tyler had come to town. On Sunday, we went to the Carolina Aviation Museum, the airport overlook, and rode go carts and played minigolf. It was a lot of fun. Then on Monday, they surprised me by taking me to Carowinds! I am finally tall enough to ride The Fury!!!! I LOVED IT!!!

Dinner with Tyler and Mommy (And Aunt April & Uncle James)

The Miracle on the Hudson plane with Mommy
Holding up a Cessna at the museum

Watching airplanes take off and land
When I found out we were going to Carowinds!

My first ride on the Fury!
- The Doodlebug Princess

May 15 - 22, 2016 - Trip to Port St. Joe, Florida

The week was a normal week with school for me and work for Mommy. But we got to surprise Aunt Brenda at Port St. Joe, Florida on the night of Aunt Brenda's 40th Birthday! She had no idea we were coming. We camped at the bay and did some night fishing in the bay. I caught a pretty good size catfish! Then we went to the beach the next day. We fished some more Saturday night and a big fish or shark kept breaking my line...I was reeling it in two different times and it kept breaking! On the drive home, mom and I took a back way through Georgia.

The catfish I caught in the bay!
Me, Mommy, and Macy
Me and Mommy

Me, Mommy, & Aunt Brenda
Me holding a baby shark

The baby shark's mommy was caught by a fisherman. I realized the babies were going to die too and it made me really sad. I was crying and Mommy took this picture. I love sharks.
Madalyn, me, and Savannah
Standing in two places at one time: Florida and Georgia

- The Doodlebug Princess