Tuesday, December 13, 2016

October 13 - 16: My birthday and birthday party

My birthday week celebration! Me and Mommy went to Texas Roadhouse and she gave me my "big" gift there. I got a GoPro (sorta, different brand, but the same thing)!!! I was so excited. Then we had another football game and my birthday party. We did a fun run for my birthday and I had lots of friends there! I also got to see Aunt Barbie and Uncle Mike's new baby...she is so cute! It was so much fun!

Being silly at Texas Roadhouse
My "big" gift!

Before our homecoming game
I was one of the team captains for the homecoming game!
The coin toss
Heading to the sideline

My newest baby cousin Alexandra

Barbie, me, Alexandra, and Michael
Mrs. Karen got me a Seattle Seahawks backpack!!
Our color run!

My Reeses "cake"
- The Doodlebug Princess

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