Friday, March 3, 2017

January 2 - 31, 2017

We didn't do a lot in January. Mom was studying for the bar exam and I was trying to be helpful. But we still had some fun and some not so fun times.

I fell on my wrist and the dr couldn't rule out a growth plate fracture so I was stuck in a cast for 4 weeks!
A restaurant we like has Music Bingo on Thursday night. Mom & I went to dinner and found that out. It was fun!

Mom calls us twins. This is my friend Jacob. Mom took us out to eat at Steak N Shake
My big science project. I typed everything and found the pictures. Mom just printed them. We bought little animals for the posterboard and I brought fruit from the rainforest to school. I got a 100% on my project!
- The Doodlebug Princess

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