Sunday, June 24, 2012

PCB June 19-22, 2012

Me, Mommy, Aunt Brenda, and Savannah went to Panama City with Uncle Brandon, Aunt Jenny, Madalyn, and Macy for a few days! It was so much fun! Here are the pictures from our trip!

Peanut in Dothan, GA at the Information Center

Me and Mommy at St. Andrew's State Park, PCB, FL

Pelican flying over us at St. Andrews

Madalyn, Macy, Me, and Savannah

Madalyn, Me, and Savannah

I always keep my eyes open under the water

Jumping into the pool at the hotel

Madalyn, Me, Aunt Brenda, and Savannah hanging out in the pool at the hotel

The raccoon on the beach that was so cute

The raccoon smiled and wanted his picture taken

Mommy and me

Self-portrait on the beach

I took this picture of Mommy

Me and Mommy playing in the water before our pictures

Wipeout in the waves (and seaweed)

Riding a little wave in

Riding a big wave in!
Big wipeout! But so much fun!

The pink cow at Sweet P's outside Montgomery, AL

Armadillo in Arkansas at a rest area

- Doodlebug Princess

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June 9 - 18

Back in Missouri. I got to see my Aunt Chea and cousins Alondra, Adireal, and Amber, and Izzy and Kayla. I had such a good time playing on the slip and slide with everyone. We even had a MUD fight!

Then we went home to Mansfield and Mommy and my friends joined us for a party at the park. We had water balloons and tons of food. And I took pictures of everybody.

Now, I am spending a couple of days in Panama City, Florida with Mommy, Aunt Brenda, Savannah, Aunt Jenny and Uncle Brandon, and Madalyn and Macy. I'll have Mommy post more pictures after we finish our vacation here, but here's one from today!

We'll be hanging out at the hotel while Uncle Brandon has a job interview and we'll be doing all sorts of family pictures! So excited about going from the beach to the pool and back to the beach all day tomorrow! I love PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA!!!

- Doodlebug Princess

May 28 - June 8

Finally!  The end of school! Super excited to get my summer started with Mommy!  We have lots of super cool stuff planned, but this was the end of my school year:

Went to Chimney Rock with Mommy and her friend Jackie and Jackie's kids. We had so much fun! These are random pictures of (1) Me being silly and acting like a woodchuck, (2) the view from the top of Chimney Rock, and (3) me at the creek at the bottom of Chimney Rock.

I also had Beach Day at school and then Kindergarten Awards. Beach Day was so much fun...we got to play in the water and sand and did some really cool projects like making a paper turtle and painting a beach bag.

I will be in 1st grade in the fall when I go back to Gardner Park. I really hope most of my friends like Allie are in my class with me! I miss them already! We'll be back in Missouri for a while this summer and I hope I get to see my old friends too!

- Doodlebug Princess