Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 28, 2012 - Surf Lesson

I had my first surf lesson at Panama City Beach, Florida on Saturday. It was so much fun! I was the youngest and littlest person in the group that was going that day. I had an 8' surfboard that was blue. I can't wait to go surfing again!
The group that was part of the surf lesson on Saturday

My surf instructor!
Heading out for the first time!
I fell off my board
Riding in a wave on my belly first
My other teacher who liked my spiked bangs
Hitting the surf with Dave
Riding a wave
Another wave rode
I'm standing on the water! (Sorta!)
Falling off the board
Cruising back out to try again
 - The Doodlebug Princess

July 16 - 25, 2012

I spent 10 days with my Aunt Brenda and Savannah in Mansfield. I had so much fun. Here's a few pictures of me having fun at "home."

Me and Savannah with Poppy

Playing in the water

A cucumber and banana peppers from Poppy's garden.

Rolling down the hill in the trash barrel
At the Nature Center with my friends

At McDonald's

At a Rest Area on the way back to North Carolina
 - The Doodlebug Princess

Monday, July 9, 2012

July 7 - July 15, 2012

Last week with Mommy until I go to Aunt Brenda's for 10 days. We aren't doing much since Mommy has class but we"re having fun anyway.

On July 7th, I got to meet SPIDERMAN!!!!!!!!!!! He was at the mini-golf place and I gave him a big hug! It was SO cool!

Me hugging Spiderman

Spiderman signed my bat "To Sheryl Stay Sweet - Spiderman"
Mommy and me went rollerskating after I met Spiderman. We rollerskated for 4 hours! I made a new friend named Alyssa. She was really nice and gave me cotton candy and a couple of orange rings from tickets she won from games she played. I had a really good time. Mommy skated too and didn't fall, but I fell alot!  My butt still hurts!
July 8th - Me and Mommy hung out at home. Mommy trimmed my hair and I blew bubbles outside. We watched "We Bought a Zoo" and "The Day After Tomorrow"...two of my favorite movies. I ate a burrito and I had popsicles and ice cream.
Blowing Bubbles in the Backyard. Some were HUGE!

Nuzzle with Mommy!

My new hair cut. Mommy cut my bangs a little too short, but they'll grow back.

The back of my hair. I like it!

I made up a joke: What was the penguins favorite ice? A block of fish!

My neighbor friends came over on Saturday and stayed most of the day. It was so much fun building a tent and playing Sorry with them.

July 14th - Met Aunt Brenda and Savannah in Nashville to go with them for 10 days while Mommy gets her class stuff done. We went to Nashville Shores/J. Pearcy Priest Dam and Lake this evening after we ate at IHOP. We saw a DOUBLE rainbow. Pictures to come soon...

Me hugging my cousin at IHOP

Mommy will add the pictures from Nashville update with pictures of me that Aunt Brenda sends her throughout the 10 days! I'm gonna miss my Mommy!

- The Doodlebug Princess

Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 1 - July 6, 2012

Mommy started her summer classes on July 2 and I get to go with her until I go to my Daddy's next weekend. 

Mommy and I went to the lake with Mommy's friend Katie from law school on July 4th. We had so much fun. I swam in the lake for about 6 hours! Then we went to King's Mountain to watch the awesome fireworks, but Mommy forgot her camera to take pictures of the fireworks. I got to sit on the top of an SUV to watch the fireworks! It was so cool.

This is me jumping off the boat house into the water at the lake on July 4th. I must have done it about 50 times that day! It was soooo much fun!

On the 6th, Mommy and I went to Pisgah National Forest. We wanted to check out the Sliding Rock. It was AWESOME! Mommy did videos instead of pictures because it was so cool. I can't wait to go again and take Savannah and Aunt Brenda when they come down. Click on the links below to go to the Youtube video of me at Sliding Rock!!!

At the Sliding Rock Recreation Area Welcome Sign
At the Looking Glass Waterfall

Eating a "Cookie Cheese Sandwich" - ritz cracker, oreo cookie piece, and cheddar cheese
What a fun day! I cannot wait to take Aunt Brenda and Savannah there when they come to visit in a couple weeks!  It will be so much fun!

- The Doodlebug Princess

The Lake with Aunt Brenda & Savannah

We went to the creek at Vera Cruz then to the lake in Theodosia with Aunt Brenda and Savannah.  Aunt Brenda and Mommy were throwing me in the water and it was so much fun!

Jumping off a little rock

My friend Chloe. She was in my class when I was in Mansfield school.

Me pretending to throw Savannah at the lake

Savannah throwing me

Mommy throwing me in the lake!

Me and Aunt Brenda

Savannah and my Mommy

Me swimming with Aunt Brenda
I love the water and had so much fun.

- The Doodlebug Princess

Sunday, July 1, 2012

June 23 - 30, 2012

I spent the rest of the time in Missouri with Mommy, Aunt Brenda, and Savannah mostly at the creek and lake. I also got to hang out with Aunt Casey and Uncle Chris and all the kids. My friend Hayley came into Missouri from Texas and I got to hang out at Aunt Millie's in her pool with Hayley. When we got back to NC, Mommy and I went to the mall and I got my ears pierced. Here are the pictures from the week (but we don't have the pictures from the lake right now, but Aunt Brenda is mailing the card to Mommy so she can update this soon).

Me and Hayley at Aunt Millie's pool
Me and Hayley
Me and Zane saying good-bye again

6/29/12 - Getting my ears pierced at Claire's in Gastonia
Me and Lyndsay, the girl who pierced my ears. She's 20 and has a mowhawk and was really cool. Mommy says we look alike and now Mommy knows what I will look like when I'm 20.

One of my pierced ears. I wish they would have had orange studs, but instead I'm stuck with pink because it's my birthstone
We went to Miss Karen's pool yesterday and swam for about 4 hours. Her dog Vegas is so funny. It's almost July 4th, which means Fireworks time! So excited. I'm going with Mommy to spend the time with friends in Charlotte...including Mommy's law school Dad and other friends. Super excited to see everyone here again.

- The Doodlebug Princess