Monday, July 9, 2012

July 7 - July 15, 2012

Last week with Mommy until I go to Aunt Brenda's for 10 days. We aren't doing much since Mommy has class but we"re having fun anyway.

On July 7th, I got to meet SPIDERMAN!!!!!!!!!!! He was at the mini-golf place and I gave him a big hug! It was SO cool!

Me hugging Spiderman

Spiderman signed my bat "To Sheryl Stay Sweet - Spiderman"
Mommy and me went rollerskating after I met Spiderman. We rollerskated for 4 hours! I made a new friend named Alyssa. She was really nice and gave me cotton candy and a couple of orange rings from tickets she won from games she played. I had a really good time. Mommy skated too and didn't fall, but I fell alot!  My butt still hurts!
July 8th - Me and Mommy hung out at home. Mommy trimmed my hair and I blew bubbles outside. We watched "We Bought a Zoo" and "The Day After Tomorrow"...two of my favorite movies. I ate a burrito and I had popsicles and ice cream.
Blowing Bubbles in the Backyard. Some were HUGE!

Nuzzle with Mommy!

My new hair cut. Mommy cut my bangs a little too short, but they'll grow back.

The back of my hair. I like it!

I made up a joke: What was the penguins favorite ice? A block of fish!

My neighbor friends came over on Saturday and stayed most of the day. It was so much fun building a tent and playing Sorry with them.

July 14th - Met Aunt Brenda and Savannah in Nashville to go with them for 10 days while Mommy gets her class stuff done. We went to Nashville Shores/J. Pearcy Priest Dam and Lake this evening after we ate at IHOP. We saw a DOUBLE rainbow. Pictures to come soon...

Me hugging my cousin at IHOP

Mommy will add the pictures from Nashville update with pictures of me that Aunt Brenda sends her throughout the 10 days! I'm gonna miss my Mommy!

- The Doodlebug Princess

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