Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Birthday Celebration!!!

My birthday was Monday! I turned 9 years old! It was awesome! Mom started out my week celebration by taking me to the movies on Friday evening. We watched Maze Runner. It was really cool but weird. We went out for icecream Friday night too! Saturday, we went to a haunted trail called Wompus Woods with Katie and Josh. It was fun and very scary for me. I kept my eyes closed almost the whole time. Mommy screamed a couple times. Sunday we ordered my cake, watched movies, and played SkipBo. On my birthday, I went to wrestling then Mommy took me to dinner at Logan's Steakhouse. They gave me icecream with chocolate syrup for dessert. It was yummy. I got a giftcard for Target from Aunt Brenda and Mommy let me open all of my little gifts.

Tuesday was my party with all of my friends. We had pizza, cake and icecream, a cookie cake. We played at the park too! I got some awesome presents from my friends - a remote control helicopter, a bag I can color, Twister Rave, a surfer girl picture, a snake book, a bracelet maker, a sweat suit, a basketball, a jump rope, $20, and a $15 giftcard to Target! I screamed when Mommy gave me my "big" gift even though it was the smallest gift! It was a giftcard to go to the US National Whitewater Center. I get to go ziplining and on ropes courses. I'll get to spend the whole day there and do all sorts of fun stuff!! I can't wait!

Here's some pictures from my birthday celebration!

Icecream on Friday night
Puddle jumping on Saturday afternoon
Me and Josh waiting to go into the Wompus Woods Haunted Trail
First picture as a 9 year old
Birthday money from Aunt April!
Wrestling on my birthday
Dinner at Logan's Steakhouse with Mommy

Target giftcard and card from Aunt Brenda, Savannah, and Poppy
My last little present from Mommy

Goody boxes for my friends that came to my party
Blowing out my birthday candles
Mommy's big gift to me! I get to go ziplining!
My friends at the museum part of my party!

Me and my friend A.J.
Such a fun time! It's going to be a fun rest of the week too! I have a field trip at school today and tomorrow I get to go roller skating with my afterschool program! Mom says that if the weather is nice on Friday, we may go to the whitewater center on Friday since I don't have school. If the weather is bad, we'll leave for Virginia on Friday morning. We're going to Virginia for Adi's birthday party at Aunt Chea's. We get to go on a bunch of Navy ships on Saturday because there is something special going on there this weekend.

- The Doodlebug Princess

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