Sunday, October 26, 2014

October 25, 2014 - Charlotte Runway 5K

I completed my first 5K on Saturday with Girls on the Run. It was freezing when we got to the airport at 5:45 am. But I got see all my new friends. The race was cool because we got to run on a runway and see airplanes. Airplanes landed next to us too!
Warming up!

Part of our group, while we were waiting for everyone else: Tegan, Elizabeth, me and Sarah B.
Me, Sarah B, and Taylor and Taylor's Mom, Dad, and sister Sarah
Me, Sarah T., and Tegan
More of our team
Teagan, Sarah B, Niara, Taylor, Me, Sarah T. & our parents/running buddies
Me, Taylor, & Sarah T.
Running on the runway
Finish line!
Running in to finish!

 - The Doodlebug Princess

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