Sunday, January 11, 2015

January 1 - 10, 2015

It's a whole new year! Mommy and I had a lot of fun in 2014 and we plan to have a whole lot more fun this year! Mommy and I will be working on this year's adventure bucket list ideas soon. We've only taken a few pictures during the start of the new year. Mommy says sometimes we just have to be in the moment and not worry about the pictures, but that she'll try to do better about taking more "just because" pictures.

Me and Wilbert. Wilbert is the frog that Aunt Rachel gave me after Grandma passed away. I cannot sleep without him!
My cat Shaggy hugging my foot. He's such a good snuggle buddy. He's my second favorite cat. I will always love Pesty more. I really miss Pesty!

Me and David. David is our neighbor. He cooks us dinner sometimes; sometimes we cook for him. He's really nice and funny. He was showing me something.
First week back at school and I got strep. I was so sick. Mommy was so worried about me because I had a really high temperature on Friday. But it went down and I'm starting to feel a lot better.
Lots more pictures to come in 2015! Can't wait to see what all we do!
- The Doodlebug Princess

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