Sunday, January 11, 2015

November 2014

November was a lot of fun! I saw the play Cinderella, went on a carriage ride around the city in Charlotte, got pictures with my friend Sarah, and saw my cuzzy (cousin) and a friend from Kindergarten. But the best part was seeing Uncle Brandon!!

I didn't want my picture taken in front of the sign! lol
Planking outside the theatre!
Waiting for the play to start.

Me and my friend Sarah!
Sarah holding me up!
Being silly!

How cute are we?
New school picture for 3rd grade!

Me and Shaggy sleeping. He always steals my pillow!
Game night at Aunt Rachel and Uncle Zac's house!

Another game!
Me and my friend Haley that I knew from Kindergarten in Mansfield

Waiting for my surprise! I was annoyed because Aunt Brenda and Mommy wouldn't tell me what it was and Savannah knew what it was!
Madalyn, me, and Savannah being silly!

Me, Savannah, and Madalyn
Us with Macy!

I love my Uncle Brandon!!! I missed him so much!

- The Doodlebug Princess

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