Tuesday, April 26, 2016

April 16, 2016: ColorVibe Run and My 1st TV Interview

Part of my fundraising for St. Jude included doing a 5K with my Mom. We were contacted by Time Warner News about being interviewed for their "Giving Back" segment. We met reporter Yoojin Cho at the ColorVibe. My mom's boss, Mr. Everage, was also there! We're getting really close to my mom shaving her head too!!

You can see my interview here:

Front of my shirt Mommy made me
The back of my shirt for the run!

Twins in Baldness: me and Mr. Everage!
On the run, colored in PINK!

Mommy, Jennifer, Jennifer's husband, Georgia & Georgia's son, & Mr. Everage
At the ColorVibe party
- The Doodlebug Princess

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