Tuesday, April 26, 2016

March 24 - March 26, 2016: Easter/Head Shaving Weekend

I raised over $500 for St. Jude and we went to Missouri for Easter for my head shaving! It was so much fun! Mommy and Aunt Brenda did pictures before I got my head shaved. I also got to see my Grandma and Uncle Donnie and lots of other friends and family!

Before my head shaving
Me and my mommy
Me and my cousin Savannah
Me and Mommy again

If you want to watch the full video of my heading shaving, you can find it here: 

Freaking out about my hair!
Aunt Cathy shaving my head
Feeling my bald head for the first time!
First look in the mirror!
My buddy Brianna who helped shave my head and is one of the reasons I raised money for St. Jude
Me and Mommy!
Grandma, Savannah, and me
Grandma, Uncle Donnie, and me
Me and Uncle Donnie
The After Head Shaving picture
Dinner with Aunt April, Uncle James, and Tyler on our way back to North Carolina
-The Doodlebug Princess

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