Monday, August 27, 2012

August 27, 2012 - 1st Day of 1st Grade

Today is my first day of the 1st grade. I met my teacher on Tuesday of last week and she's nice. She's been a teacher for 32 years and a first grade teacher at my school for 25 years!  She's an old pro! Here are the pictures of what I wore to my first day! Me and mommy picked out what I will wear all week...

Hope it's a great 1st day for me!

- The Doodlebug Princess

End of Summer 2012

Well, my summer of fun has ended, but I know Mommy and Aunt Brenda are planning some really cool stuff for later this fall, especially for mine and my cousin's birthdays in October!  So it's something to look forward to.

We finished out the summer with a day in Charlotte with Mom's "Law School Dad" John and went to to the popjet park. I also got my hair cut. We brought my cat Brittney back with me so I have some pictures of her that Mommy needs to get off her phone to upload here, so those will be added later.

Popjet park in Charlotte
First change of earrings after getting them pierced in June
My first real haircut...Mom let me do it, even though she didn't want to. We love it!
Pictures at the park
Pictures at the park
Me stylin' at the park
So, it's back to school for me and my Mom. I went to class with her all last week, but now it's my turn to go to school too. I'm excited to be in the 1st grade now.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

August 3 & 4 - Carolina Beach Hopping

Oh my goodness, we spent Thursday night, Friday and Saturday at the beaches of North Carolina...well some of them! We went to Wilmington and saw the USS North Carolina. We went to Wrightsville Beach where the water was almost as pretty as Panama City Beach! We drove around and went to Carolina Beach and Kure Beach that day too! We stayed in a hotel in Wilmington Friday night then went to Wrightsville Beach again on Saturday. It was awesome!  I love the beach and Mommy said she would check in to me doing surfing lessons there!

Out of the car and heading to look at the USS North Carolina...but I wanna go to the beach!

With Savannah and USS North Carolina behind us

At Fischer, a military thing for Civil War soldiers

Playing on the boogie board...I wish it was a surfboard

Me and Mommy in deep part

Me and Aunt Brenda right after a big wave!

I can't help but smile when I'm in the ocean

Mommy snapped this picture just as a wave was going over us!

I'm a sand mermaid!

Carolina Beach

Pretending we're scared and running from the waves

Doing handstands and cartwheels on the beach

At Kure Beach leading Savannah into the surf

Sunburnt & getting ready to leave Wrightsville Beach
I'm heading to Missouri with Aunt Brenda and Savannah so Mommy can finish her summer class work. Then she's coming to get me and spend a little time in Missouri. Then it's back to school for the both of us.

- The Doodlebug Princess

August 1, 2012 - Pisgah National Forest

I had a great time with my Mom, Aunt, and Cuzzy at Pisgah National Forest. Savannah was too scared at first to go down Sliding Rock but she eventually did. I hurt my leg and panicked in the water so I didn't want to go down anymore either. But my Aunt went down and so did Mommy. I went down 4 times I think. We also went to Looking Glass Waterfall and I got a furry skunk from the gift shop at the Ranger Station. We also got to feed fish at the hatchery. It was a great day! We picnicked in the park too for lunch.

Me and Savannah at the Sliding Rock sign

Chilling out at the Ranger Station

Me pretending to be an old man before we ate lunch

Playing in the water after lunch
 - The Doodlebug Princess