Monday, August 27, 2012

End of Summer 2012

Well, my summer of fun has ended, but I know Mommy and Aunt Brenda are planning some really cool stuff for later this fall, especially for mine and my cousin's birthdays in October!  So it's something to look forward to.

We finished out the summer with a day in Charlotte with Mom's "Law School Dad" John and went to to the popjet park. I also got my hair cut. We brought my cat Brittney back with me so I have some pictures of her that Mommy needs to get off her phone to upload here, so those will be added later.

Popjet park in Charlotte
First change of earrings after getting them pierced in June
My first real haircut...Mom let me do it, even though she didn't want to. We love it!
Pictures at the park
Pictures at the park
Me stylin' at the park
So, it's back to school for me and my Mom. I went to class with her all last week, but now it's my turn to go to school too. I'm excited to be in the 1st grade now.

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