Tuesday, August 7, 2012

August 1, 2012 - Pisgah National Forest

I had a great time with my Mom, Aunt, and Cuzzy at Pisgah National Forest. Savannah was too scared at first to go down Sliding Rock but she eventually did. I hurt my leg and panicked in the water so I didn't want to go down anymore either. But my Aunt went down and so did Mommy. I went down 4 times I think. We also went to Looking Glass Waterfall and I got a furry skunk from the gift shop at the Ranger Station. We also got to feed fish at the hatchery. It was a great day! We picnicked in the park too for lunch.

Me and Savannah at the Sliding Rock sign

Chilling out at the Ranger Station

Me pretending to be an old man before we ate lunch

Playing in the water after lunch
 - The Doodlebug Princess

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