Sunday, April 6, 2014

August & September 2013

School started in August and I really like my new teacher Mrs. Harkey. She's young and really nice. I got sick at the beginning of school with bronchitis (and mom got strep!). I don't like being sick. Here are the pictures from my first day of school!

Getting ready to go to school on my first day of 2nd Grade!
In my new classroom on the first day of 2nd grade!

In September, Mom and I took a trip to Georgia for a night to go to Tybee Island and spend some time with her friend Kay before Kay and her family moved back to Missouri from Georgia. Kay's granddaughter Brianna has cancer. I played with Brianna and her brother Braiden all day. It was so much fun. We also went to the beach the night before we went to Kay's. Mom thought she lost her wallet! She was in a panic and we walked the beach and searched the hotel room. Finally, I remembered where Mom put her glovebox like always! Mom was so relieved and I told her I'm smarter than she is.

Me and mom at Tybee Island before sunset
Watching the sunset over the Atlantic Ocean at Tybee Island

Playing in the water before the sunset! It was so much fun!
Swinging with Brianna and Braiden is playing in the dirt. We had so much fun!
Mom's trying to get caught up on my blog. This is just the start of all the cool pictures of things we have done throughout the year. Look for more pictures soon!

- The Doodlebug Princess

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