Sunday, April 6, 2014

Thanksgiving 2013

We spent Thanksgiving Day with Mrs. Karen and Mr. Alan in Charlotte. Mrs. Karen's daughter Barbie was there and some of Mommy and Mrs. Karen's friends from school. We had a great dinner. Then Mommy and I went to Aunt Chea's because Alondra was disappointed that we didn't make it to Thanksgiving Dinner. We had a great time there at a Winter Wonderland and going on Aunt Chea's ship, The Theodore Roosevelt! And me, Audi, Alondra, and Mommy made ornaments!

Outside the USS Roosevelt
On the deck of the USS Roosevelt!
Riding a horse at the Winter Wonderland

With Santa at the Winter Wonderland
Making ornaments out of salt dough with Audi
December was even more busy with lots of fun stuff to do!

- The Doodlebug Princess

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