Sunday, April 6, 2014

October 2013

October was a very busy month for us! It was my birthday. I turned 8! I had a football themed party! I had about 15 friends there and a lot of my mom's friends from school came too!
Breakfast with dessert from the waitresses at Waffle House!

Me after sticking my face in my birthday cake!
My giant Fortune Cookie from Mrs. Karen! I LOVE Fortune Cookies!!

My birthday cake Eva got for my party! It was sooo good!
My new bike!
We got home from the birthday party and while Mommy was unloading everything from the car, I hopped on my bike...and I crashed!!! :( I hit the curb and hit my mouth on the crossbar on the handle bars. Mom had to take me to the ER. It hurt so bad, and wouldn't quit bleeding but I didn't have to get stitches. But I ended up having to go to the dentist a bunch to make sure there was nothing wrong with my teeth!

Before, After, and the cut from my bike wreck

We had Parent Teacher Conference and I'm doing great. I really like school. And I won an award for being responsible in the classroom.

Terrific Kid Award
My "tweet" on the board outside my classroom about a book I read
And football season ended! It ended with me in a cast from a really bad sprain that wouldn't heal. But at the last football game, Coach Jeff let me go out for the coin toss. 

Me with my team
Out for the coin toss

My football picture. I told Mom that football playing is serious, that's why I didn't smile!
My first cast. Orange!

My cast after some kids and Mommy signed it!
Halloween was also this month. We went to a trunk or treat at a church near our house. Then my mom's school had an event too. Finally, I went trick or treating with my friends in Mrs. Karen's neighborhood in Charlotte. I also carved a pumpkin with Mommy. I had so much fun!

A caricature from the PALS event!
Trunk or Treat - before I got my cast!

Halloween at Mrs. Karen's
Carving a pumpkin with Mommy

My finished pumpkin!
My friends from Mrs. Karen's neighborhood

Halloween Loot!!
Finally, we took a weekend trip to Aunt Chea's! Mom and I drove the long way and went to Nags Head, Kill Devils Hill, and other beaches at the Outerbanks in North Carolina. I hadn't seen Aunt Chea since June 2012! I had so much fun with Audi and Alondra!

Breakfast at Kill Devils Hill. YUMMY!
On the beach!
Me and Audi in Aunt Chea's backyard at the pond
I went kayaking for the first time with Alondra on the pond
Then I went out by myself. It was awesome!
We had a great October! 

- The Doodlebug Princess

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