Sunday, June 22, 2014

June 20 - June 22, 2014

I had physical therapy on Friday morning. The lady let me walk on the treadmill. I also got a cool stretchy band to do some exercises with to help my foot. Then, Mom and I went to the Gastonia Grizzlies baseball game Friday night. It was fun but I was so tired so we left a little early. I got pictures with Chizzle the Bear (it was his birthday!) and Monkey Joe and the Bojangles Chicken! Saturday, we cleaned my room and I got rid of a lot of toys I don't play with. They'll be moving on to another kid who will like them. They're mostly my Cars toys. Mommy was kinda sad that I didn't want them anymore. Then it rained yesterday afternoon so Mommy and I took a break and played in the rain because it wasn't thundering or lightening. There was a lot of rain! It was awesome!

At the spinning wheel. I won a free soda!
Eating my hotdog dinner at the ballpark!

With the Bojangles Chicken
With Chizzle, the Gastonia Grizzlies mascot

With Monkey Joe!
I sat in front of Mommy so she could comb my hair and she found this weird black hair. It's MY hair! Weird!

Hoping to catch a baseball!
Sliding on my skimboard in the water behind our apartment

Now we're cleaning and packing for vacation. It's going to be so much fun with Aunt Brenda, Savannah, Aunt Chea, Alondra, and Audi at the Outer Banks for July 4th! I can't wait!

- The Doodlebug Princess

June 14 - June 19, 2014

This week was been pretty boring. Not much going on, but I got to spend some time with my friend Ashley who babysat me when Mommy had class on Thursday.  Then Mom, Miss Debra, and me played Scattergories but I wasn't very good at it. Mom and Debra tied! Oh, I also got to go to class with Mommy on Tuesday and saw our favorite Professor. He's sooo funny and really nice to me.  He even let me ask a question in class!

Mommy and I baked cakes on Sunday! Those are Reeses cups on the top of mine!
Shaggy sticking his tongue out at me!

I love my boy!
- The Doodlebug Princess

Friday, June 13, 2014

June 13, 2014

Today was fun. I'm glad I spent it with my mommy. We went to McGalliard Falls and my favorite thing was that I saw a crawdad. Me and my mom played in the water. My favorite part was tossing a water balloon back and forth.

- The Doodlebug Princess

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June 10, 2014 - Last Day of School!

I had fun at my last day of school! Mom had a few gifts for me when I got home, then we had a water balloon fight, squirt gun fight, and we attacked each other with silly string. I don't really like the way silly string feels on's kinda creepy! But it was awesome!

My gift from Mommy!

The Water Balloons
The Squirt Guns
The mess on our porch when we were finished!

This is the photo of me on the first day of 2nd grade and my last day of 2nd grade! It's pretty neat to see how much I've changed and grown in 10 months!

- The Doodlebug Princess

Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9, 2014 - End of School Year Celebration

We had our end of the year celebration at my school today. It was so much fun! We had awards assembly this morning and I got two awards. Then my teacher gave us all a special award in the classroom is mine is "Best Author." We had a picnic lunch outside too! Then we went to different stations: (1) sidewalk chalk, (2) bubbles, (3) jump ropes, (4) hula hoops, (5) arts & crafts, (6) playground, (7), water race (8) dancing, and (9) drawing a picture. Mom helped with the bubble station and was able to take some pictures of me and my friends and even my teacher jumproping! Then we had ice cream before we went to our room and packed up all of our stuff! I had so much stuff! Here's some of the pictures from the day:

Writing my mom a note in chalk
Blowing bubbles

Picture with my Mom
Me and my friend Macey

Hula hooping on my arm! I can make it go really fast!
Me and Sarah

Me and Sarah at the Y after school

Tomorrow is my last day of 2nd grade! I love science and didn't like math but it was easy. I'm ready for the summer now!

- The Doodlebug Princess

Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Rest of May 2014

May was a fun month! We've been to Mrs. Karen's several times to swim and my friends have been there. I get to see Vegas when I'm there too and I love him so much! He's a great dog! Mrs. Karen, John, and Shaitasha all graduated from law school so we went to their graduation. Mommy graduates in December and I can't wait to watch her graduate! We've watched airplanes and had a picnic in the backyard. Here's some pictures from how we spent May.

The Graduates...I see Mrs. Karen
Me and John after graduation!

Me and Shaitaisha
Me and Shaggy camped out on the floor to watch a movie and we fell asleep

Our picnic in the backyard. YUMMY!
Flowers I picked for Mommy. They smelled so good!

Vegas and me on the raft. I'm the only person he will share his raft with!
We stopped to watch airplanes at the overlook on the way home.

Mommy bought me a new dress for summer pictures. We're going to take them at the ruins of a church in SC when Aunt Brenda and Savannah are here!

Now it is June and school gets out on Tuesday!! We have awards and a big party planned for Monday. But today, I get to go to my friend CJ's birthday party...and it's a pool party! I can't wait!

- The Doodlebug Princess