Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9, 2014 - End of School Year Celebration

We had our end of the year celebration at my school today. It was so much fun! We had awards assembly this morning and I got two awards. Then my teacher gave us all a special award in the classroom is mine is "Best Author." We had a picnic lunch outside too! Then we went to different stations: (1) sidewalk chalk, (2) bubbles, (3) jump ropes, (4) hula hoops, (5) arts & crafts, (6) playground, (7), water race (8) dancing, and (9) drawing a picture. Mom helped with the bubble station and was able to take some pictures of me and my friends and even my teacher jumproping! Then we had ice cream before we went to our room and packed up all of our stuff! I had so much stuff! Here's some of the pictures from the day:

Writing my mom a note in chalk
Blowing bubbles

Picture with my Mom
Me and my friend Macey

Hula hooping on my arm! I can make it go really fast!
Me and Sarah

Me and Sarah at the Y after school

Tomorrow is my last day of 2nd grade! I love science and didn't like math but it was easy. I'm ready for the summer now!

- The Doodlebug Princess

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