Sunday, June 22, 2014

June 20 - June 22, 2014

I had physical therapy on Friday morning. The lady let me walk on the treadmill. I also got a cool stretchy band to do some exercises with to help my foot. Then, Mom and I went to the Gastonia Grizzlies baseball game Friday night. It was fun but I was so tired so we left a little early. I got pictures with Chizzle the Bear (it was his birthday!) and Monkey Joe and the Bojangles Chicken! Saturday, we cleaned my room and I got rid of a lot of toys I don't play with. They'll be moving on to another kid who will like them. They're mostly my Cars toys. Mommy was kinda sad that I didn't want them anymore. Then it rained yesterday afternoon so Mommy and I took a break and played in the rain because it wasn't thundering or lightening. There was a lot of rain! It was awesome!

At the spinning wheel. I won a free soda!
Eating my hotdog dinner at the ballpark!

With the Bojangles Chicken
With Chizzle, the Gastonia Grizzlies mascot

With Monkey Joe!
I sat in front of Mommy so she could comb my hair and she found this weird black hair. It's MY hair! Weird!

Hoping to catch a baseball!
Sliding on my skimboard in the water behind our apartment

Now we're cleaning and packing for vacation. It's going to be so much fun with Aunt Brenda, Savannah, Aunt Chea, Alondra, and Audi at the Outer Banks for July 4th! I can't wait!

- The Doodlebug Princess

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