Friday, July 25, 2014

July 17 - 24 - Fun at Aunt Brenda's in Missouri

I spent last week with my Dad and Mom stayed at Aunt Brenda's. When I got back we did some fun stuff: we had a really big party at Aunt Brenda's, we went to the lake, Aunt April and Tyler came to visit, I met a bunch of my cousins, and Mommy took pictures of me and Savannah together. It was fun! We also had a late night water fight, we grilled dinner and played in the pool at Aunt Brenda's, but we didn't take pictures of everything. Mom says sometimes you have to be present and enjoy and let your memory remember the fun times instead of pictures. So that's what we did! But here are some of what we did in picture!

Back with Mommy on Thursday
Stopping at the Current River on our way to Aunt Brenda's

Aunt April came to visit that night!

Party at Aunt Brenda's with cousins and friends!
Mommy, me, and Savannah

My cousins
Emma, Savannah, Lila, Me, Mommy, and Hayleigh

Dress Up as a Genie!
Emma, Savannah, Lila, Tyler, Chloe, Me, and Hayleigh
Me and Mommy at Bull Shoals Lake on Sunday
Savannah, Aunt April, and Me

Up and Over!!...Supergirl!
Saying Goodbye to Aunt April and Tyler
In the tube with Savannah

We're really tan!

Aunt Brenda's favorite

Mommy loves this one!
This was my idea!
I fit!

Just me :)
I'm back to Dad's for a week then we get to go home!

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