Wednesday, August 17, 2011

August 15 - 17, 2011

My mom is not doing a good job keeping up with my blog! But here's an update for the last couple of days with pictures!

It was back to school after a weekend at home. Mom let me and Savannah walk across the big road to wait for the school bus by ourselves (she stayed right next to the road). This is a picture of Savannah hugging me before school. I had PE today and it was really fun! We did pushups and I liked doing them. We talked about being healthy.


I finally had Art today! I really like my art teacher! Mom keeps asking me and I keep telling her that I haven't learned anything at school. Recess is the funnest time and naptime is the not so fun time. We get to color every day. This is a picture of me getting off the bus at home.


Aunt Brenda had today off from work so she took us all to Hank's for breakfast. I ate two eggs and a couple of bites of my mom's biscuits and gravy. It was YUMMY! This is a picture of me at breakfast this morning. I wanted to ride the bus to school but I couldn't because we went out to breakfast. I love riding the bus!

I played outside at recess two times. I played with my friend Coby. We played tag and hide and go seek. He is in my class and sits at my table. I don’t think he’s cute so he’s just a friend. I sat with him at lunch too. I had a hamburger, plain chips, and some kind of fruit I don’t like so I didn't eat it.

We colored today and the teacher talked about triangles today. We worked on the alphabet.

- Doodlebug Princess

Sunday, August 14, 2011

August 14, 2011

Mom took me and Savannah to the school this morning so we could roller-skate in the parking lot. Then we went over to the park to play on the playground. I had fun sliding and climbing. This is me at the playground. I've been playing nice with Savannah all day today. It was my day to feed the dogs and I did it without arguing with Mom about it! Mom's gonna make chili dogs, corn on the cob, and french fries for dinner! I can't wait! I love chili! It's back to school tomorrow for my first full week of Kindergarten!

- Doodlebug Princess

Saturday, August 13, 2011

August 13, 2011

I had a fun day playing at home with Savannah. We roller-skated and watched Disney. It was hot outside. This is me dressed to go play. I also got to play with the neighbor kids and one of the boys got stuck in our tree. Those boys are kind of mean sometimes.

My Mom talked to Uncle Jake today and I wanted to know when I would get to see him again. I think Mom is planning a trip to go see them soon. I can't wait!! I'm gonna beat up Uncle Jake!

I made my own sandwich tonight - bread with salad and cheese. It was so yummy. I also had pasta, green beans, and garlic cheese bread for dinner.

Mom's gonna take me and Savannah to the park and to the school so Savannah and me can roller-skate tomorrow while Aunt Brenda is at work.

I'm gonna snuggle with Pesty Boy (my cat) and go to sleep. Goodnight.

- Doodlebug Princess

Friday, August 12, 2011

August 12, 2011

Last night I had a cramp in my leg and my Poppy had to take care of it for me. My mom didn't feel good and still isn't feeling good today. So Poppy walked me and Savannah to the school bus, but Mom snuck in a picture of Poppy waiting with us. I was so excited to get to ride the school bus today. I wanted to ride it yesterday but Mom wouldn't let me since it was my first day of school.

I had a good day at school. Still no Art class today. :( I played with my friend Haylea at recess. I'm so glad she's in my class. I still really like my teacher and I got to color in my coloring book today.

I was so tired and took a long nap after school today. Me and Mom went to the store to get dinner and I had a burrito and mashed potatoes. Now I'm watching Phineas and Ferb.

- Doodlebug Princess

Thursday, August 11, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten

Today was my first day of Kindergarten. My teacher is "awesome". She pushed me on the swing during recess. I also got to play tag and run around with my friend Cole until we had to go in. He is NOT in my class. :(

I had hamburger, peaches, and ice cream for lunch. I didn't eat it all because we don't have to!

My friends Haylea and Zane laid by me at rest time, but we didn't sleep. We didn't talk either because we're not allowed. I had whales and chocolate milk for my afternoon snack.

We didn't have Art today, but I colored when I got to school.

I had a good first day of school. I am excited about going to school tomorrow and EVERY day! And I get to ride the bus to school tomorrow!

-Doodlebug Princess (as told to my Mom, who posts this for me).