Thursday, August 11, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten

Today was my first day of Kindergarten. My teacher is "awesome". She pushed me on the swing during recess. I also got to play tag and run around with my friend Cole until we had to go in. He is NOT in my class. :(

I had hamburger, peaches, and ice cream for lunch. I didn't eat it all because we don't have to!

My friends Haylea and Zane laid by me at rest time, but we didn't sleep. We didn't talk either because we're not allowed. I had whales and chocolate milk for my afternoon snack.

We didn't have Art today, but I colored when I got to school.

I had a good first day of school. I am excited about going to school tomorrow and EVERY day! And I get to ride the bus to school tomorrow!

-Doodlebug Princess (as told to my Mom, who posts this for me).

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