Wednesday, August 17, 2011

August 15 - 17, 2011

My mom is not doing a good job keeping up with my blog! But here's an update for the last couple of days with pictures!

It was back to school after a weekend at home. Mom let me and Savannah walk across the big road to wait for the school bus by ourselves (she stayed right next to the road). This is a picture of Savannah hugging me before school. I had PE today and it was really fun! We did pushups and I liked doing them. We talked about being healthy.


I finally had Art today! I really like my art teacher! Mom keeps asking me and I keep telling her that I haven't learned anything at school. Recess is the funnest time and naptime is the not so fun time. We get to color every day. This is a picture of me getting off the bus at home.


Aunt Brenda had today off from work so she took us all to Hank's for breakfast. I ate two eggs and a couple of bites of my mom's biscuits and gravy. It was YUMMY! This is a picture of me at breakfast this morning. I wanted to ride the bus to school but I couldn't because we went out to breakfast. I love riding the bus!

I played outside at recess two times. I played with my friend Coby. We played tag and hide and go seek. He is in my class and sits at my table. I don’t think he’s cute so he’s just a friend. I sat with him at lunch too. I had a hamburger, plain chips, and some kind of fruit I don’t like so I didn't eat it.

We colored today and the teacher talked about triangles today. We worked on the alphabet.

- Doodlebug Princess

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