Saturday, August 13, 2011

August 13, 2011

I had a fun day playing at home with Savannah. We roller-skated and watched Disney. It was hot outside. This is me dressed to go play. I also got to play with the neighbor kids and one of the boys got stuck in our tree. Those boys are kind of mean sometimes.

My Mom talked to Uncle Jake today and I wanted to know when I would get to see him again. I think Mom is planning a trip to go see them soon. I can't wait!! I'm gonna beat up Uncle Jake!

I made my own sandwich tonight - bread with salad and cheese. It was so yummy. I also had pasta, green beans, and garlic cheese bread for dinner.

Mom's gonna take me and Savannah to the park and to the school so Savannah and me can roller-skate tomorrow while Aunt Brenda is at work.

I'm gonna snuggle with Pesty Boy (my cat) and go to sleep. Goodnight.

- Doodlebug Princess

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