Tuesday, August 13, 2013

December 2012 and January 2013

Mommy is really far behind on posting to my blog so she is going to try to catch up quickly again. This is what I did in December 2012 and January 2013:

I got a letter from Santa!
Riding around with my head out the sunroof to see the Christmas lights in McAdenville.
Being silly with the statues as they "sing".
McAdenville Lights
McAdenville lights
Homemade Christmas ornament finally hung on the tree
Reindeer Food that we made. We made enough for all the kids at the YMCA Afterschool Program!

When school ended, we went to Missouri and I spent a few days with Mommy, Daddy, and Bubby. Mommy doesn't have any pictures from that, but I know Daddy does. Then we headed to Aunt Brenda's.

My Christmas stocking gifts
New fleece jacket, hat, and gloves!
After we went to Aunt Brenda's, me, mommy, Savannah, and Aunt Brenda headed to Florida to spend new year's with Aunt Jenny and Uncle Brandon and Madalyn and Macy. 

We had a snowball fight in Mammoth Springs, Arkansas!
Eating some snow in Arkansas!
New Year's glasses everyone got!
Waiting in line at the bathroom at the Pier Park New Year's Eve Bash!
At a concert for New Year's with my new parrot friend!
I fell asleep on Mommy's lap on New Year's Eve, but woke up right before the ball dropped!
New Year's Day Polar Plunge...I didn't do it, but I watched!
When we got back from Florida, it was time to start school again!

- The Doodlebug Princess

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