Tuesday, August 30, 2016

August 30, 2016: Football Practice

Mom was asked to take some pictures for the Team Mom for something special she is doing for the coaches at the end of the season, so Mom brought her camera to practice today. The coaches worked with me a lot today, letting me run the ball! I also knocked a boy over during one of our drills. I LOVE FOOTBALL!!!!

End of practice pep talk
Getting tackled because no one blocked for me! :(

Trick play with the quarterback passing the ball to me behind the line of scrimmage even though I'm a wide receiver!
But he tossed it too hard and I missed the ball. That's not how that was supposed to work!

2nd Try
And that's how it's done folks!
Our first real football game is Saturday and I am really excited about it! I hope we do good! I hope we score lots of touchdowns! I hope I score a touchdown!

- The Doodlebug Princess

August 29, 2016: First Day of 5th Grade

This is my last year in elementary school! I didn't get the teacher I wanted but lots of friends are in my class, including Carron who has been in my class every year since I moved here! I think it will be a good year. My teacher seems nice.

- The Doodlebug Princess

August 28, 2016: Meeting Some Carolina Panthers

My friend "Meat" who played football with me last season broke his leg at yesterday's Jamboree! :( He had to have surgery this morning to fix it. My mom, Nancy, me and Jacob went to see him in the hospital. On our way, Mom wanted to show us all where we can go to see the Carolina Panthers as they leave practice and they were leaving practice!!!! Cam Newton was about 10 feet away from us on the cart heading back to the locker room. Jacob and I got our picture taken with 4 players from the team!

#9 Kicker Graham Gano
#55 Linebacker David Mayo

We don't know who the guy is without a jersey on but #2 is Kicker Kasey Redfern
- The Doodlebug Princess

August 15 - August 27, 2016: Football, Football, and More Football

We've been having practice 3-4 days a week since the beginning of August. It's been hot but I've learned a lot and it's been fun. Several of the boys from my team last year are on my team this year! We had our Jamboree on Saturday, August 27. I tackled a boy who had the ball and I almost got a pass interception! And my team scored two touchdowns, which is better than we did the whole time last season!

Me and Jacob before Jamboree...we did not want our pictures taken
Mom screenshot the video of my tackle
My tackle at 25 seconds and my missed pass interception is at 40 seconds

- The Doodlebug Princess

Saturday, August 20, 2016

August 13-14: Weekend at Aunt Chea's

We went to Aunt Chea's for her birthday party. This means I got to hang out with Adi and swim in the lake. And it means that we stopped by the beach on our way home!

I brushed the dogs and hugged on Blaze
Brushing Blaze
Getting a hug from Ky
Cannonball in the lake
Me kayaking around the lake

Kayaking to the other side of the lake
Chillin' on the other side of the lake
At the beach and I really didn't want to get my picture taken
Being silly
- The Doodlebug Princess

August 8-12: Football

Mommy finally got a new camera so she used it to take some new football pictures. She's really excited about taking pictures at my games.


Here are a few pictures from practice too!

Bear Crawls
Racing Mean Machine (yes, I'm taller than he is)

Almost intercepted a pass that Jacob missed
Getting ready to run a play

Almost intercepted it again
Encouraging a teammate

Mean Machine trying to push me around
I can't wait to start our games. I really hope we win a game this season! And I hope I get to score a touchdown!

- The Doodlebug Princess

Sunday, August 7, 2016

July 25 - August 7, 2016: Football and Pisgah National Forest

FOOTBALL SEASON HAS STARTED!!! We already had camp and practice even though practice has gotten rained out a lot. I even have my pads and helmet already. I can't wait for games to start. I really hope I get to be quarterback. The coaches are letting me practice as quarterback sometimes.

We went to Pisgah National Forest this weekend with Nancy and Jacob. We had a lot of fun at Sliding Rock, Looking Glass Falls and the Shut-ins.

At the entrance to Pisgah National Forest
Waiting for a parking spot to go to Sliding Rock

Sliding down the big rock
Plunging at the bottom - that water is SO cold!

Wading in the water at the shut-ins
Mommy ruined her camera and finally ordered another camera. She says that there will be a lot more picture taking once she gets a good camera again! I'm trying to get Mommy to buy me a GoPro. It would have been awesome to have at Sliding Rock. She said "maybe" for my birthday!!!!

- The Doodlebug Princess