Sunday, August 7, 2016

July 22-24: St. Simon's Isand, Georgia

Mommy and I went to St. Simon's Island, Georgia for the weekend to see Aunt Brenda and Savannah for my cousin Mikayla's birthday. We got to see lots of family I didn't remember and spent all day at the beach. When we drove back, we stopped in Myrtle Beach and saw our friend John from law school. I got stung for the first time ever by a jelly fish so we didn't stay at the beach long.

Chillin' in the water
Mikayla covering me with sand

My other cousins!

Me & Savannah on the lifeguard stand
Selfies with Savannah

Selfie at the beach. Mommy says I look like Bubby
- The Doodlebug Princess

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