Tuesday, August 30, 2016

August 30, 2016: Football Practice

Mom was asked to take some pictures for the Team Mom for something special she is doing for the coaches at the end of the season, so Mom brought her camera to practice today. The coaches worked with me a lot today, letting me run the ball! I also knocked a boy over during one of our drills. I LOVE FOOTBALL!!!!

End of practice pep talk
Getting tackled because no one blocked for me! :(

Trick play with the quarterback passing the ball to me behind the line of scrimmage even though I'm a wide receiver!
But he tossed it too hard and I missed the ball. That's not how that was supposed to work!

2nd Try
And that's how it's done folks!
Our first real football game is Saturday and I am really excited about it! I hope we do good! I hope we score lots of touchdowns! I hope I score a touchdown!

- The Doodlebug Princess

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