Sunday, August 7, 2016

July 25 - August 7, 2016: Football and Pisgah National Forest

FOOTBALL SEASON HAS STARTED!!! We already had camp and practice even though practice has gotten rained out a lot. I even have my pads and helmet already. I can't wait for games to start. I really hope I get to be quarterback. The coaches are letting me practice as quarterback sometimes.

We went to Pisgah National Forest this weekend with Nancy and Jacob. We had a lot of fun at Sliding Rock, Looking Glass Falls and the Shut-ins.

At the entrance to Pisgah National Forest
Waiting for a parking spot to go to Sliding Rock

Sliding down the big rock
Plunging at the bottom - that water is SO cold!

Wading in the water at the shut-ins
Mommy ruined her camera and finally ordered another camera. She says that there will be a lot more picture taking once she gets a good camera again! I'm trying to get Mommy to buy me a GoPro. It would have been awesome to have at Sliding Rock. She said "maybe" for my birthday!!!!

- The Doodlebug Princess

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