Sunday, October 14, 2012

10/13/12: My 7th Birthday Party!

My 7th birthday was Saturday! We started out with breakfast at McDonalds. We went through the drive-thru and Mommy paid for the car behind us. The lady behind us was really surprised and waved at us as we drove away.  Then we went home and Aunt Brenda ordered tickets for me and Mommy to go see P!NK in concert in March right before Mommy's birthday. I am so excited to get to go!

Mine and Mommy's excitement at getting P!NK tickets!
Then it was on to my birthday party at the park. It was Scooby-Doo themed and so much fun!!

Goody bags, photo props, and craft center to color and make dog tags
The snack table
My birthday cake
Me and my friends coloring and making dog tags
Playing at the playground (and I have not idea who that girl friends and I are on the merry-go-round)
Love from MY Katie and "Papa" John (Mommy's law school dad)
My favorite birthday present that I got to buy with money from Grandma and one of my friends!
Me with my Scooby-Doo I got from one of the gift cards from my friends. So cool!
And that was my fabulous birthday!! Hope next year's is just as good.

- The Doodlebug Princess

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