Saturday, October 27, 2012

October 27 - GP Fall Festival

We went to the Fall Festival at my school today. I got to see a lot of the teachers and a bunch of my friends. They had games, bounce houses, food, a haunted maze, and cool music playing! It was lots of fun...

Hitting Miss Greene in the face with a pie!
Me and Miss Greene with pie on her face!!! I did that!! lol

Playing a game...I hit a Double for 20 points!
Playing basketball

Waiting with my friend Matt (and that's Matt's mom behind us!) to go into the Haunted Maze
Mommy and I are gonna charge the camera batteries and head to Crowder Mountain State Park for a couple of hours. There is a bad hurricane coming to the east coast and they say we will probably lose all of our leaves when it hits. Tomorrow we're going to a Trunk or Treat and Mommy is gonna check with Miss Katie to see if she's gonna go trick or treating with us later this week.

I also started gymnastics again a couple weeks ago and Mommy will put all the pictures and videos up from it after Monday's class!  I've gotten to do the parallel bars, rings, and worked on tumbling. It's so much fun!

- The Doodlebug Princess

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